349 research outputs found

    La ciencia según futuros profesores : entre la tradición y la novedad

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en una investigación que tiene por objetivo diseñar y estudiar escenarios de formación de docentes de ciencia, situados en contextos institucionales diversos. La perspectiva teórica asumida recoge los enfoques actuales acerca de la formación docente y el pensamiento del profesor; complementados con una visión que reconoce el valor del discurso en la construcción, no sólo del pensamiento, sino también de las realidades en que se insertan los sujetos. En este trabajo, tomamos uno de los escenarios de FD implementado con un grupo de estudiantes de profesorado y analizamos secuencias didácticas (SD) que éstos elaboran para la enseñanza de un contenido escolar de ciencias. Lo que nos interesa conocer es cómo, a través del discurso, los estudiantes construyen modos particulares de concebir la ciencia y cómo proyectan prácticas docentes al respecto

    La ciencia según futuros profesores : entre la tradición y la novedad

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en una investigación que tiene por objetivo diseñar y estudiar escenarios de formación de docentes de ciencia, situados en contextos institucionales diversos. La perspectiva teórica asumida recoge los enfoques actuales acerca de la formación docente y el pensamiento del profesor; complementados con una visión que reconoce el valor del discurso en la construcción, no sólo del pensamiento, sino también de las realidades en que se insertan los sujetos. En este trabajo, tomamos uno de los escenarios de FD implementado con un grupo de estudiantes de profesorado y analizamos secuencias didácticas (SD) que éstos elaboran para la enseñanza de un contenido escolar de ciencias. Lo que nos interesa conocer es cómo, a través del discurso, los estudiantes construyen modos particulares de concebir la ciencia y cómo proyectan prácticas docentes al respecto

    Evidence for repetitive load in the trapezius muscle during a tapping task

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    Many studies describe the trapezius muscle activation pattern during repetitive key-tapping focusing on continuous activation. The objectives of this study were to determine whether the upper trapezius is phasically active during supported key tapping, whether this activity is cross-correlated with forearm muscle activity, and whether trapezius activity depends on key characteristic. Thirteen subjects (29.7±11.4years) were tested. Surface EMG of the finger's extensor and flexor and of the trapezius muscles, as well as the key on-off signal was recorded while the subject performed a 2-min session of key tapping at 4Hz. The linear envelopes obtained were cut into single tapping cycles extending from one onset to the next onset signal and subsequently time-normalized. Effect size between mean range and maximal standard deviation was calculated to determine as to whether a burst of trapezius muscle activation was present. Cross-correlation was used to determine the time-lag of the activity bursts between forearm and trapezius muscles. For each person the mean and standard deviation of the cross-correlations coefficient between forearm muscles and trapezius were determined. Results showed a burst of activation in the trapezius muscle during most of the tapping cycles. The calculated effect size was ≥0.5 in 67% of the cases. Cross-correlation factors between forearm and trapezius muscle activity were between 0.75 and 0.98 for both extensor and flexor muscles. The cross-correlated phasic trapezius activity did not depend on key characteristics. Trapezius muscle was dynamically active during key tapping; its activity was clearly correlated with forearm muscles' activit

    MHC class I-related antigen-processing machinery component defects in feline mammary carcinoma.

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    Defects in HLA class I antigen-processing machinery (APM) component expression and/or function are frequent in human tumors. These defects may provide tumor cells with a mechanism to escape from recognition and destruction by HLA class I antigen-restricted, tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells. However, expression and functional properties of MHC class I antigens and APM components in malignant cells in other animal species have been investigated to a limited extent. However, this information can contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the association of MHC class I antigen and APM component defects with malignant transformation of cells and to identify animal models to validate targeted therapies to correct these defects. To overcome this limitation in the present study, we have investigated the expression of the catalytic subunits of proteasome (Y, X, and Z) and of immunoproteasome (LMP2, LMP7, and LMP10) as well as of MHC class I heavy chain (HC) in 25 primary feline mammary carcinomas (FMCs) and in 23 matched healthy mammary tissues. We found a reduced expression of MHC class I HC and of LMP2 and LMP7 in tumors compared with normal tissues. Concordantly, proteasomal cleavage specificities in extracts from FMCs were different from those in healthy tissues. In addition, correlation analysis showed that LMP2 and LMP7 were concordantly expressed in FMCs, and their expression was significantly correlated with that of MHC class I HC. The abnormalities we have found in the APM in FMCs may cause a defective processing of some tumor antigens